
9月,教育工作者因其研究能力和对教学的投入而获得认可. 他们的专业范围从后殖民文学到细胞生物学再到协作领导.

by Mike Janes, Office of Marketing & Communications | October 5, 2023

十大正规网赌平台的七名教员被授予终身教职, ensuring both job security and academic freedom. 

在九月二十二日的教职员嘉许晚宴上,颁授此殊荣, 当时校园社区聚集在一起庆祝学院新教员和长期教员的职业里程碑. Theology and Religious Studies professor Paul Giurlanda例如,他为圣玛丽医院服务了45年.  

Faculty members are tenured and promoted for their skillful, dedicated teaching; scholarly vitality; and their effective service to the College community.

“这些新终身教职员工不仅展示了他们对以学生为中心的教育的承诺,以及他们在各自领域的专业知识, 却为学术界做出了非凡的贡献. We eagerly anticipate the innovative research, pedagogy, and leadership they will bring in the years ahead,” said Corey Cook, Provost and Executive Vice President. 


Sunayani Bhattacharya, PhD | Associate Professor of English

巴塔查里亚的研究领域包括后殖民研究、世界文学和小说研究. She has published her work in the academic journal Comparative Literature and in several edited volumes. In her recent book, The Novel in Nineteenth-Century Bengal, published by Bloomsbury, 她研究了孟加拉人思考阅读的方式,以及他们如何处理影响这个棘手的问题. 她展示了他们是如何依赖于古典梵语和波斯阿拉伯语的文学和美学模式的, whose traditions coexisted, albeit contentiously, with the everyday present. 

Veronica Hefner, PhD | Associate Professor of Communication

赫夫纳是一位注重人际传播的定量媒体十大网赌平台. 她专门研究媒体使用和消费与理想之间的关系, the ideal romantic relationship and the ideal body type. Quantitative Methods is her favorite class to teach, Hefner says, 因为它对学生的挑战超越了传统交流课程的局限. The reward? 看到学生顺利通过考试时的骄傲.

Khameeka N. Kitt-Hopper, PhD | Associate Professor of Biology

A Saint Mary’s alumna, Kitt-Hopper在获得斯坦福大学生物系博士后奖学金之前,在亚利桑那大学完成了她的细胞生物学和解剖学博士学位. 她目前的工作包括分析正常和乳腺癌细胞系中的蛋白质复合物,以更好地了解癌症发生和发展的机制. In addition to her work as a scientist and faculty member, 基特-霍珀热衷于公共科学教育,并寻找支持学生学习和保留科学知识的方法. 

Zuleikha Kurji, PhD | Associate Professor of Chemistry

Kurji did her undergraduate training at Cornell University, graduate work at Caltech, and postdoc work at Washington State University and Caltech. 她的研究主要集中在聚合物及其材料特性上. At Saint Mary’s, 她与本科生合作,用化学方法合成能对光产生弯曲的聚合物,并研究改变这些材料的化学结构如何影响弯曲的速度, how far, and how often they bend. 她自2017年加入学院以来,几乎每年夏天都参加了暑期研究项目,她为此感到自豪. 

Mary Raygoza, PhD | Associate Professor of Education

Raygoza通过她的奖学金和与她的教师候选人一起工作,努力培养她所谓的“定量公民素养”. She engages critical methodologies to center, understand, 提升寻求教育公平和反种族主义教室的教师和年轻人的声音和生活经历. 她在许多同行评议的期刊上发表文章,并在最近获得的五年奖励中担任首席研究员, $1.美国国家科学基金会Robert Noyce教师奖学金1轨道拨款200万美元.

Stacey Robbins, PhD | Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership

担任领导与组织研究学士学位的项目主任, 罗宾斯从事强调跨界沟通和合作以及为不同观点创造空间的重要性的奖学金. 作为K-12教育工作者和领导者,她拥有超过15年的经验, higher education, and workplace settings. She also values cultural exchange; recent global work includes co-leading a study abroad program in Guatemala and working with teachers and career coaches in Shenzhen, China. 

Grant J. Rozeboom, PhD |商业伦理与社会责任副教授

Saint Mary’s current TransAmerica Professor, 罗泽邦在斯坦福大学获得哲学博士学位,此前曾在圣何塞大学担任商业伦理学教授. Norbert College in Wisconsin. 他的研究探讨了如何在工作和组织的背景下最好地实现关系平等和道德责任. 他曾在许多学术期刊上发表文章,包括 Ethics, Philosophy & Public Affairs and Business Ethics Quarterly, and he co-edited the volume Working as Equals, recently published by Oxford University Press. 除了在圣玛丽大学的本科和研究生课程中教授和发展商业道德课程之外, 他参与创建了一年一度的喇沙修士社会影响案例竞赛,并担任工商管理高级博士课程的主任.

READ MORE: 探索“近距离观察”系列中教师的工作. Check out Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four.

看看今年早些时候获得荣誉的所有教职员工 Faculty Awards and Provost Research Grants.

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