


OPT is a type of work authorization that allows F-1 students to work in the U.S. for one year after graduation to gain experience in a field related to their major.  学生s apply for OPT through the United States Citizenship and Immigration 服务 (USCIS) and receive an Employment Authorization Document (or EAD card) as proof that they are legally able to work in the U.S.  Saint Mary's continues to sponsor the F-1 student visa for the duration of OPT.


All undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for OPT if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • 必须持有一学年或更长时间的有效F-1签证
  • must have maintained a full-time course load for one academic year or longer
  • can不 have previously been granted OPT for the degree level that you are currently seeking approval for
  • can不 have accrued 12 months or more of full-time Curricular Practical Training (CPT) or Pre-Completion OPT

重要:学生是 在提交OPT申请之前必须有一份工作.  A student who is eligible to apply may submit an application whether or 不 they have a job or offer of employment.


USCIS will accept applications for OPT as early as 90 days before a student's Program End Date as listed on their SEVIS record and will continue to accept applications for up to 60 days after the student's Program End Date as listed on their SEVIS record.  The 国际项目中心 highly recommends applying for OPT as early as possible because it will take 90 - 120 days for USCIS to process the application.  USCIS在此期间只接受OPT的申请.

递交申请的第一天: 项目结束日期前90天
递交申请的截止日期: 项目结束日期后60天

OPT是一个“要么使用,要么放弃”的机会!  你只能在上述时间段内申请OPT.  学生不能在此时间之外申请OPT.  All applications submitted outside of this timeframe will automatically be denied.


The 国际项目中心 will provide support to students applying for 选择性实习训练(OPT).  然而, it is the responsibility of the student to make sure that they have read, 理解, and followed all application instructions and filing deadlines and procedures.  The 国际项目中心 does 不 assume responsibility for improperly filed applications nor can we guarantee that applications will be approved.

Step 1: Attend an OPT 应用程序 Workshop hosted by the 国际项目中心

  • Get assistance with the application process, required documents, and timeline

Step 2: Request an OPT I-20 from the 国际项目中心 by completing the OPT I-20申请表

  • 没有新的I-20不能申请OPT
  • OPT I-20的有效期为30天
  • USCIS must receive the OPT application before the OPT I-20 expires or else the application will be denied
  • OPT I-20申请表


  • 通过USCIS创建在线个人资料
  • 申请费为470美元
  • 仔细阅读I-765的使用说明
  • 一定要包括所有必需的文件
  • 一旦提交申请,不能更改OPT开始日期

第四步:等待90 - 120天 

  • Check the status of the application on the USCIS website by clicking "Check Case Status" or by logging into your USCIS account
  • 接受材料将通过电子和邮件发送
  • 一旦批准,USCIS将发送EAD卡

应用程序 & 所需文件

  • 填妥的I-765表格
  • 国际项目中心OPT I-20的电子版
  • 已获CPT授权的SMC i -20的数码副本(如有)
  • 以前的EAD卡的数字副本 & 所有证明文件(如有)
  • 护照个人简历页电子版
  • I-94的数字副本 
  • 一份美国文件的数字副本.S. 护照尺寸的照片
  • 信用卡或借记卡支付申请费(470美元)
    • 需要一个U.S.使用美国信用卡或借记卡进行网上付款
  • 更改身份批准通知*的数码副本
    • *如果您在美国期间将身份更改为F-1.S.


学生可以开始在美国工作.S. on or after their OPT Start Date and they must have their EAD card in-hand.  All employment must be directly related to the student's degree/field of study and be appropriate for their degree level.  To maintain valid F-1 status, OPT employment must meet the following criteria:

  • 每周必须至少21小时,但可以更长
  • 必须是与学生专业直接相关的职位/领域
  • 必须是与学生的学位水平相适应的职位

记住,OPT不是一种签证!  It is a benefit of the F-1 student visa and Saint Mary's will continue to sponsor the F-1 visa for the duration of OPT.  This is important to mention to employers when interviewing and talking about your eligibility to work in the U.S.

因为十大正规网赌平台在OPT期间继续赞助F-1签证, it is important that the following information is reported to the 国际项目中心 within 10 calendar days of the change:

  • 更换雇主
  • 额外的雇主
  • 本地U的变化.S. 地址或外国地址
  • 提前结束OPT并离开美国的计划.S.


  • 定期受薪工作
  • 实习(带薪或无薪)
  • 咨询或合约工作
  • Self-Employment (must have all appropriate licenses and the business must be legally operable in the U.S.)

学生s working on OPT can have multiple employers during their period of work authorization.  This means that a student can change jobs while working on OPT or have more than one job at a time.  As long as each job is directly related to the student's degree and is appropriate for the student's degree level, the student has the flexibility to change employers or work multiple jobs during their time on OPT.


作为OPT期间F-1签证的担保人, students must report all employment and changes in employment to the 国际项目中心 by completing the OPT就业报告表格.

学生 & 交流访问者计划(SEVP)门户网站

OPT一经批准, 学生将被允许访问SEVP门户网站, 他们可以在哪里更新他们的工作和联系信息.  It is the student's responsibility to create and maintain their SEVP Portal account as well as monitor their employment and contact information and make the necessary changes.

For more information about the SEVP Portal, please see the Study in the States SEVP门户帮助 page.


在OPT期间, international students should be actively employed on a full-time basis in order to maintain valid F-1 status.  所有失业天数都在SEVIS中进行统计, 一旦学生失业超过90天, they will begin to accrue days of unlawful presence if they do 不 leave the U.S. 立即.


  • 共90天
  • 失业的第91天=在美国非法居留的第一天.S.
  • 没有60天的宽限期——学生必须离开美国.S. 立即
  • Not a grace period to find a job - students must start working on or after their OPT Start Date


  • 别忘了在所有的i -20表格上签名
  • If applying via mail, DO NOT mail cash - only a check or a money order
  • DO NOT submit online or mail the application if the OPT I-20 is expired - the application will be denied!
  • Once the application is submitted online or mailed, the OPT Start Date can不 be changed
  • 寄一份EAD卡的复印件 & 国际项目中心批准通知